case study
Expanding Screening, Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer to Reduce Mortality in Singapore
  • Objective

    To identify stakeholders, develop evidence for further investment in Breast Cancer & shape policy & public approach to enable early diagnosis

  • Approach

    Mapped the key stakeholders, developed evidence of status of xxx cancer care in SE Asian countries with ranking, burden of disease in Singapore & initiated stakeholder dialogs for multi-stakeholder coalition for call to action white paper

  • Deliverables

    Detailed stakeholder map, report on status of xxx cancer across SE Asian countries, stakeholder engagement tactics, dialogs with key stakeholders resulting in a multi- stakeholder meeting & value messages deck

  • Outcome

    Partnership discussions initiated with HPB / MoH, stakeholder engagement actions confirmed, engagement strat-plan finalized. This will be a 2-3yr journey to see tangible change in terms of reduced mortality